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Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Camouflage !

Often camouflaged
As over confidence
A canker nevertheless!

Often camouflaged
As frank and no-nonsense
An evil all the same!

Often camouflaged
As just in jest
A menace to be kept in control!

Often camouflaged
As pun and wit
A bane to be handled with care!

Often camouflaged
As need for speed
A plague to be treated with care!

Often camouflaged
As striving for perfection
A blight to be scorned!

Show respect
Stay positive
Keep smiling
Help others
For these need
No camouflaging !!!


  1. wowwwww!!! Simply WONDERFUL. I happened to be in a gloomy mood because of one of the a need for" PROFESSIONALISM" (I do not know what trait is camouflaged as professionalism or is it a mix of the many you narrated above!!) and comes your beautiful poem. You made my day. Simply beautiful and the last lines are so true and touching. I am printing this and putting on my wall. Thanks Stranger

  2. It made my day too �� - what San make you happier than knowing you pit a smile on your friend more so when he needed it - thanks my friend
