• You are watching To Sir With Love, the film is about to end, Lulu belts out the heart wrenching eponymous song, the cute little Asian girl walks up and presents a box to Sidney Poitier, with that melt your heart tilt of her head, the person next to you is not crying…
• You are on a long ride, the stereo is playing “Matilda” by Harry Belafonte (the live version last song of the double album “Live at Carnegie Hall”), the person sitting next to you is not showing any visible signs of excitement and awe….
• You trek for 5 hours, reach the top of the hill, sit down, and drink the view in front of you, soaking in the complete silence that engulfs you, the reason why you walked for 5 hours, and the person accompanying you starts talking….
• The unsmart one who brings the smartphone to a restaurant and is lost to the screen ……..
• You wonder how is it possible that Roger Federer is bestowed with so much talent, and the person asks Roger who? ……
• You just finished reading “The Sympathizer” and give it to this person , and that person says “After I finish the latest Dan Brown” ……
• You do not understand art. Still you stand mesmerized in front of “The Guernica”. You try to explain your feelings to another person and that person says “that fellow who draws misshapen horses” ….
• You do not understand poetry. Still you are in awe when you come across a Rumi, a Bukowski, “If” by Kipling, or a flippant Ogden Nash and share how impressed you are with the simplicity and the person laughs at you and recites dirty limericks……
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