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Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Picture This

I have done a small research on what your profile picture could reveal about you

Pic Courtesy : Google Images

The deductions of mine are presented in a tabular form for easy reading

Your profile picture
What it tells about you
Never Changed from Day 1
·         Not creative
·         Loyal
·         Or plain bored
A God
·         Hypocrite
Your wife / husband
·         You have a girlfriend / boyfriend
Your children
·         They are still young
Monuments / random city square
·         Just back from a vacation
A temple or any place of worship
·         Hypocrite / Just back from a vacation
A book
·         Pretends to read
An actress / actor
·         Mid-life crisis
·         Pretends to like sports
Your tattoo
·         Show off
Some quotes
·         No imagination
Mountain tops / Summits
·         Show off / Just back from a vacation
Running with a bib
·         A fitness attack / probably the only run (the site will have listed you as a DNF (Did Not Finish)
Modern Art
·         Visited a museum recently
Family picture
·         Children have moved away from home
·         You have recently become a parent
·         You have recently become a grandparent
·         You have recently become a grand-grandparent (yes- they are active on social media – actually they are MORE active)
Old family pictures
·         Recently retired
Weird ones
·         Weird
Extreme close ups or random landscapes
·         Bought a new DSLR
·         Narcissist
·         Pretends to know music
Random Bimbo
·         Desperate
Animals in captivity
·         Recently visited a zoo
Animals roaming free
·         Back from a safari
Extreme close ups of the said animals
·         Visited a zoo or back from a safari after buying a new DSLR
Your dog
·         Trustworthy
Your cat
·         Even more trustworthy