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Friday, September 25, 2020

Remember to forget.


Pic Credit: Reuters/Stringer

What can I do?

I try hard to forget

But I always remember

What I am trying to forget!


The devious ways of

The despots masquerading as leaders

Stay planted in my brain

When I try hard to forget!


The scattered bodies

Of countless less fortunate

Do not leave my retina

When I try hard to forget!


The plight of common people

In contrast to the greedy connivers

Do not leave my conscience

When I try hard to forget!


Images of children washed ashore

That of immigrants stranded and drowning

Stay even behind closed lids, however

Hard I try to forget!


Voices of dissent silenced

Right to protest crushed

Deafen me at the silence they evoke and

I can’t forget how much ever I try!


A cartel runs most countries

Fake news lords over real news

Common sense is conspicuous in absence

I can’t forget however hard I try!


Divided in the name of religion

Persecuted due to birth lottery

Bigots normalizing this is something

I can’t seem to forget!


Men lecturing women on women

Strutting around in their male privilege

Insensitive to every cry is something

I can’t manage to forget!


The pride of patriarchy

The assumed birthright of being a male

Does not seem to vanish anytime soon is

Something I can’t ever forget!


We the people have become

Blind to all injustice

Deaf to plaintive cries

Neutral when a stand must be taken

Selfish when love is scarce

Timid when valor is in need

Slaves when freedom is at stake

Silent witnesses when atrocity is rampant

Judgmental when sensitivity was needed

Is something that I

Never seem to forget!

Friday, September 18, 2020



Pic Courtesy:

Musing 1


Invite a family

Insult all of them

Show zero sensitivity

Say, Have a good day!

Call the man a thief

Question his integrity

Ridicule his faith

Say, we are fair people!

Call the woman a slut

Tell her that she is a stain on the society

Tell her she is unfit to exist

Say, we treat women as goddesses!

Ask the son to stay at a distance

Question his caste and religion

Laugh at his broken English

Say, children are our future!

Do not even acknowledge the daughter

Tell her that her dress is improper

Ask her to wait her turn to speak

Say, gender equality is paramount!

Of course, the grandparents

Show them outward deference

Ignore them and mock them

Say, respect is our tradition!

Dear India*

When did you become such a monster?

Hello paid trolls

Do you realize the damage you cause

Beyond the pittance that you earn?

That you could do with respect

And from the sweat of your toils.

Hello politicians

Where is your conscience, if you still possess one?

Are you able to look at your family with no shame?

Or are they too, just the same?

Cry, my beloved country!

* - India can be replaced with any other nation that fits the pattern, there are many today!

Musing 2

Missing Complaint!

Please do not go

We need you here

The world needs you

Today, more than ever.

Leaders do not care

For you anymore.

As a matter of fact, they encourage

Others to shun you.

Your presence is not tolerated

Your followers are persecuted

The mere resemblance is ridiculed

But, still do not give up and go

Seniors rate low, their

Subordinates who side with you

Families look on with scorn

At anyone who keeps your company

The judiciary, the media

The print, the society

The law, police & administration

They all treat you like a plague.

Politicians plan their manifestos

Judges deliver their verdicts

Administration runs their systems

To make sure you perish

You have been insulted

Mistreated, mauled

Crushed beyond recognition

And often left uncared for

Most have given up on you

And you can't find fault in that

For how long can they

Also, hold on to you?

You are tied to the mast

Ready to be burnt at the stake

Still, I beseech you, Commonsense

Do not leave us, please.