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Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Hope is a four letter word!

 Hope is a four-letter word!


How many

Lives have been lost

People have been ruined

Kingdoms compromised

Clinging on to this chimera!



Is a tool used by despots and dictators

To lull a gullible population

Into temporary submission

And eternal captivation.



Is that anesthetic to

Lull the sting of the needle

Gradually drowning you into an

Endless state of comatose



Is that four-letter word

Cleverly orchestrated by

Governments and systems

To capture your soul.



Is that intoxicant that you imbibe

To dull the throb of a stab

A make-believe that convinces you

That the knife is administered for your own good.



Is that mirage that

Is dexterously created

To fool you to keep running

Long after your soul is dead.



Is that wonderful double speak

To convince you that

We fight for peace

We suffer to enjoy

We trade our today for a better tomorrow

We sacrifice a few for the good of the many

Not realizing that the few are the real good

And the many are the ones that need to be exposed.



Is that parlor trick

That pulls an

Imaginary rabbit out of a

Non-existing hat

Convincing you that

The rabbit is real sweet

And you played your part

In liberating it from the devil of a hat.



Is that illusion that makes you believe that

A is not A

Logic is insane

Hate is good

History is wrong

Legal is greater than moral

The herd is greater than the individual


Hope, once a beacon of light

Has been reduced to a Lucifer’s toy!


So, when you tell me

Do not be a cynic

Do not give up

The horizon is near

The future is bright

Do not lose hope

Yada yada yada

Thank you very much

To me, it is just another four-letter word!




 Image Courtesy: Wikipedia.