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Monday, February 4, 2019

Dangerous Things

Restraints on speeches

And plastic in oceans

Crispy hot summers and freezing cold winters

Polar ice reserves that melts into zilch

These are the few of the dangerous things!

Dark colored water and fake colored apples

Gilet jaunes, #metoo

And children with shotguns

Wild ducks that flounder with oil on their wings

These are the few of the dangerous things!

Trump in white house, not giving a shit

Britain is pulling on EU, a Brexit

Rest of the world too slowly falling apart

These are the few of the dangerous things!

When Orban barks

When Trump smirks

When I’m feeling sad

I just remember these dangerous things

And then it gets worse

* -- Sing to the tune of These are the few of my favorite things.

Pic Courtesy : Google Images.