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Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Things that confuse/amuse me

     1.       Someone shouting “keep quiet”
     2.       Moral instruction classes in Finance, Insurance, banking sector, investment bankers
    3.       Rational and Modi / Trump / Orban / ….. in the same sentence
    4.       Girl files a case against a powerful man for molesting her; Police arrests the girl!
    5.       Jo Cox died fighting against Brexit; Boris Johnson campaigned to get Brexit done to honor her death
a.       And won!
    6.       Finance Minister said the use of Uber is the reason for Auto sector slowdown
    7.       Questions of the following types in a visa application
a.       Have you ever funded a terrorist?
b.       Have you packed some of the forbidden stuff in your check-in?
c.       Have you ever indulged in activities against the government?
    8.       Being mean to your family while being considerate to strangers
    9.       Everything that Trump says and does
    10.   People who send a digital rose and a good morning EVERYDAY on any of the social media (or on all of them)
a.       And expect you to reply
b.       And get offended when you do not
    11.   When the menu options are Veg, Pure Veg and Vegan. What is this Pure Veg? Then, what is Veg?  (But no such flamboyance on meat – it is just plain Non-Veg. It does not even have an identity of itself. It is non-something. What an existential identity crisis. Why there is no Pure Non-Veg?)
    12.   Beware of dog. Why? I never found dogs to be a problem. People are my main issues. How about a “beware of people”?
a.       For that matter never a Beware of a cat or a snake or a hamster!
    13.   While driving, my spouse leaning forward and looking to his/her side of the road when I need to take a turn; as a result, I end up looking at the back of my spouse’s head. (There, it is gender-neutral now, lest someone jump on me)
    14.   Right-wing nationalists going bonkers on the family group or friends’ group on WhatsApp
a.       And provide weird logic
b.       Distort history
c.       Invent new history
d.       Refuse any logic whatsoever
e.       And base all their arguments on “where were you” “why that happened” “are we supposed to stay quiet” “we have been tolerant too long”
    15.   Educated and rational people falling for fake news that resonate with their echo chambers
    16.   Arnab Goswami

    17.   Mother’s question to her children living away from home is always “What did you have for dinner?”
a.       Even when the call is in the afternoon 😊
    18.   People reading books written by other people to practice “Self-help”
    19.   How most people who watch F1 secretly desire a spectacular crash to unfold
    20.   That people still say Madonna when they mean Maradona
    21.   How regularly people in non-English speaking countries say “Pernament”
    22.   When I watch people doing math by counting their fingers
    23.   I check a flight ticket to …..(insert country/city name here) online and immediately there are pop-up ads on every website I visit that lasts for a few weeks.
    24.   The audacity and stupidity of Amazon suggesting me products based on my last purchase
    25.   When I see the frustration of a person when his/her sarcasm is wasted
    26.   When rhetoric questions are answered
    27.   Managers “seeking” opinion with leading questions
a.       Don’t you agree?
b.       Isn’t it a good idea to…?
    28.   The confidence of an Indian household on Turmeric to cure everything
    29.   Modi / Shah talking about communal harmony
    30.   Iran shoots down a passenger jet and gets away (and not even saying sorry)
    31.   When people say “he/she died like a dog”
a.       What does it even mean?
b.       More frustrating when I had a dog (and loved it dearly and lost it prematurely)
    32.   The confidence of some of the people on their TikTok videos


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Whether it amuses you or confuses you, you can't find a perfect hypocrite country like India. Enjoy the show without actually suffering

  3. Hypocrisy, like stupidity, is universal. But India does rank high on this unwanted achievement.

  4. Awesome as always! I see that your roots are still firmly planted!!

    1. As in the seminal Alex Haley book, Roots are forever, right
      Thanks and glad you liked it
