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Friday, June 5, 2020

Losing My Religion

I will embrace religion

Any religion

As soon as the

Killings stop in the name of religion

Elections are not contested in the name of Gods

Leaders do not

divide people on their faith

set one against the other

identify the rioters by their clothes

hold a bible and pose in front of a church while the nation burns

restrict an immigrant based on their faith

The moment you show me

A Catholic cat

A Protestant parrot

A Hindu hamster

A Muslim monkey

A Jewish jaguar

A Dalit dragonfly

A Buddhist buffalo

A Jain jackal

The day

Food is not associated with a specific religion

People are free to eat what they want

People are not killed because of what they choose to eat

Places of worship

                                Do not amass wealth

                                Pitch in to ease the pain of the masses

                                Preach equality and tolerance

                                Do not ban entry to certain people

                                Pay taxes

                                Do not stigmatize menstruating women

                                Support gender equality


                Any intermediary in the name of religion is made illegal

                A representative of the faith stops exploiting the vulnerable

                Sexual abuse is stopped

                Stereotyping based on religion stops


And here is my favorite all-time quote on religion.

“Religion is an insult to human dignity. Without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things.

But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.”

Steven Weinberg




               Photo Courtesy: Insidehighred








  1. VK, I am sure that there are many who feel the same. Many of the lines you wrote make my blood boil. But religion has been and will continue to kill people.

    1. How true and how sad and how helpless we all are.

    2. Many a war has been fought in the name of religion. History repeats itself due to our ignorance. We have morons that hold up 'a bible' to flex his muscle in this day and age. The people preaching religion are not religious or pious, but 2 bit crooks.

    3. Religion has taken more lives than the two world wars combined. Sadly. And we still continue...............

  2. "When one person suffers frm a delusion, it is called insanity. When many people suffer frm a delusion, it's called religion." Robert Pirsig
    And the it's true Indeed !

  3. This also will pass like the legendary quote. The public memory is very short less than that of an air bubble in the water. Or else hoping for things to improve, we will pass

    1. Religion is an ingrained evil - guaranteed to outlast us all

  4. I have qa different take on your blog. religion per se is not bad. The gap between the teachings of religion and the practice of the followers is so great that religion starts looking bad. When you talk of history , you are starting from the times when humans had formed a society but the societies were formed due to religion.Religious perceptions helped man to keep alive &hopeful in this uncertain world. Religion made bigger societies to be built. Earlier the tribes and later the kingdoms were small but due to religion more people were united even in different kingdoms.More importantly religion helped to have an order in the society. Today's constitution in my view can be considered a kind of religion as it serves the same purpose for society. Now if some people or groups are not behaving as per the religious diktat then it is the fault of the religious leaders and the followers just as gangsters not respecting law is the weakness of the governing agencies and /or the people not obeying the law.
    To summarize, I am just saying that do not blame religion for the mess in the world but it is the people using it for their own purpose who are to be blamed. If not religion they will find some other emotional item, say 'Nationalism' !!

    1. Thanks Uday
      So firstly there is no dispute that religion is used as a wrong means today in its current iteration- why I said I am willing to embrace it the day the listed maladies are removed - which shall never happen- this whataboutery that if not religion then something else is obvious - one needs to outside prop to discover himself or do good is my conviction - thanks to my namesake JK
      Truth is a pathless land
      The moment we follow a path we lose the destination - the journey becomes paramount - my road is better than yours - different type of roads - tax on roads - signs on road - interpretation of use of road- do you follow me

  5. When you talk of JK or yourself it is a different level Krish, and anyway you are not creating any trouble in the world. Think of the masses who don't have either time or inclination to think on such subject, they are the one who need a prop and they are the ones who are carried away by these leaders- religious or otherwise. My point is these leaders need to be tackled, not necessarily the religion

    1. Na rahega bas na rahega basuri
      Exposing my inadequacy in Hindi as a light relief- but we understand each other .in the same eternal words of JK if I set one man free I am successful

  6. Agreed! Our interpretation of religion to suit our own vested interests has made religion the root of most evils in society

    1. True - thanks for reading and comments - feel free to share if you wish
