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Wednesday, October 12, 2022

The DART we need!

What’s in a name?

It was ok for him to spew such

Nonsense in the 17th century.

Little did he know that one day

Everything would be in a name.


A name could decide if

You are us or them

You get a place to stay or not

You can settle in some place or not

You get arrested more easily

You will get interview calls or not


Add color of skin and

Some outward manifestation of your faith

The vitriol gets ratcheted a thousandfold.


Add a gender

It worsens by another thousand.


Stay neutral and you are

A traitor for one and

A wannabe for the other.


Get aggressive

You get slotted into any

Convenient stereotype.


Give up and

You are a loser.


Write about it and you are an

Armchair critic.


Wish for a just world

A la Imagine by Lennon

You are a dreamer or

You end up like Lennon.

Or a Gandhi.

Or a King.

Or a Gauri.


The hatred and the othering

Had gone on for too long.


Something etched in stone

Is not rubbed away by an eraser.

The slime that is covering the world

Can’t be hosed away by gentle streams.


We need a reset

Hope we perform better in the next round.


NASA – could you send a 2nd DART

This time to direct a meteor TOWARDS the earth!

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